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@donnacha | WordSkill – I think the icons are ugly the way they are presented on my specific comment form. I’d rather just add a button that says Proofread to the existing buttons. I don’t think this would detract from people using the checker. As for the other icon, I’m not sure how to represent that in a different way. Preferably, I’d like to put it in the lower right hand corner of the comment text area but that may be too much work.

The pricing is extremely reasonable. However, I’d be willing to pay $25.00 a year for something like Ajax Edit Comments. I think Ronald is doing himself a disservice by charging so low. But, if the model is working for him, he shouldn’t fix what isn’t broken.

As for GravityForms, the people purchasing the dev licenses generally have nothing but astounding things to say and when you think about it. $199.00 for a dev license that gives you unlimited site usage, support, and upgrades with the cherry on top being the current and future add-ons, GravityForms provides all the means necessary to pay for itself in a couple of projects. Probably only one project depending on how much you charge clients. I think their price is acceptable. Also, since it’s not too low, it gives them a little bit of advantage of scaling things at the pace of popularity/growth of the plugin instead of charging so low, too many people grab on and turn their support system into trash.


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