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It’s funny that this article appeared today, as I’ve just managed to get the Lazyest Gallery plugin up and running on my install. It throws in it’s own “footer” with two links back to the author’s site (one of which is directly to the plugin). After reading through this, I took a look through the plugin files, and the site (plus paypal link) is pasted all over the files. But funny enough, there’s not a single link in the admin page on the back-end. Go-figure.

Having just recently started to get more and more into theme design, I find that a small credit on the theme footer is fine (on a theme I built for some friends, it’s 9px and simply says “theme design by gatekeepeR” which links to my site), plus of course, one in the back-end – the theme file.

At the very least, it shows that the end-user of the site didn’t design the theme they use. Other than that, I’m in agreement that I don’t need author URL’s pasted all over the place or a huge glaring tag. I’m content to give credit where it’s due, but in moderation, of course. When I was running the iNove theme and made wholesale modifications, I didn’t drop mg12’s credits. I just added “modifications by me” to the footer. I’m not going to take credit for someone else’s hard work and labor of love, but I’m also not going to attribute any of my foul-ups to them either. I want people to blame me if they don’t like my modifications.

For a theme, it’s a method to showcase the work. How many small businesses that don’t have in-house web-design have a small copyright/credit to the designer? To some extent, it’s also a matter of pride – if I do something that I’m proud of, I want to show it off and receive the accolades (and hopefully more business if I’m in the business) that can come from that.

Going back to my example of Lazyest, dropping one of the links out would be ideal. I’d love to have this “seamlessly” integrate into my site without the “billboard” – but I’ll give the man (or woman) his due. He worked hard and it does what I was looking for. If there wasn’t a credit, I’d be sure to tell anyone who asks what’s powering it.

Perhaps this is part of the future of paid plugins – the ability to remove the credits with a “purchased” plugin? But you were discussing the repository…


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