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Rafael Ehlers

Here in Brazil we’re constantly trying to change our WordCamp ticket prices with the foundation without any luck so far.

We are trying hard to increase to R$45 (~U$20), while the foundation wants us to keep at R$35(~U$15).

The problem is that in Brazil is very difficult to get sponsorships from local companies (most of them digital agencies). Also, most of the tech events in Brazil costs around R$200 (around U$80) for a single day (without lunch), and that was never considered costly from attendees POV.

I’m part of a user group that organize all WordCamps in Brazil (5 so far, with 2 more to happen anytime) and having to rely on the foundation sponsorship to cover most aspects of the event, is not a good thing.

We are trying to buy sound and filming equipment to share among all WordCamps in the country, and it’s been tough with this actual policy in place (the “big mac index”)…

I agree with all philosophies behind the ticket price that WordPress Foundation defines, but we should trust more and let the locals decide on what’s the best price to charge, since we are the ones that live here and know how much events like this cost on average and to organize.


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