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Miroslav Glavic

What about dealing with accessibility via plugins?

One thing many Toronto newspapers have is the – | + (font sizer buttons).

On most browsers, you have CONTROL and + buttons to make the font bigger. you need to two hands since both keys are on opposite sides on keyboard.

Another issue….that not everyon calls it an accesibility issue is language barrier…google translator plugin.

A client of mine that deals people that have different accesibility issues had a town hall in the community. 7 town halls to be exact.

Two of the biggest issues were font size and how not everybody can do CTRL + buttons.

second one was language accessibility (their words not mine).

So client wrote things down at town halls (which I attended all) and was decided to put a font size plugin on the sidebar and below it google translate.

I know this doesn’t deal with ALL issues with accessibility.


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