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(Merely challenging the status quo of, “we’ve been doing it like this for 10 years so let’s keep doing it.” — and Jeff, don’t be mad.)

“influential members of the WordPress community would likely ignore the project and not publicly talk about it.”

So? Celebrity endorsement shouldn’t be leverage for a decision. Plus, I would think anyone who thought something was great would talk about it, because it is was…great.

“if you are entering the WordPress product market and don’t use the GPL or a compatible license, then good luck to you because you’ll need it.”

In terms of? Community adoption or being a successful business? I know of 7 figure TF authors. Success comes in all shapes and sizes, but in what context are you advising?

“A great example …what happened to Jake Caputo could happen to anyone else or a business for that matter.”

I could be reading this wrong, but, I don’t think that this “victory” should be celebrated? I thought blacklisting smart, hard working people was foolish and counter productive to growth/community.

“I likely would have deleted the post and that’s the last time I’d publicly promote the project.”

Is this the official stance of WP Tavern? Filtering to GPL WP news only?

“Basically, you significantly increase your chances of success in the WordPress community by aligning with the GPL or a compatible license.”

Again, what is success? Can this be proven? Says who?

“a lot of external pressures that point towards going a particular direction.”

Like? Am I getting black balled just for questioning this? Big Brother?

I’m not picking a side to GPL or not to GPL. All the products we release and continue to release are licensed under GPL.

My only issue is “falling in line with the norm.” Advising someone or an organization that you have to do it this way or else. I don’t just do things because everyone else is or that’s the way it’s been for a decade.

I think everything can be poked and prodded.

Sure, you may end up back in line with everyone else — but at least you tried.


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