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@Jacob Santos

#1 -with an official code of conduct in place though, it will help people feel as they they *shouldn’t* tolerate nasty behavior. Right now, everyone puts up with it. If I start being “a mom” to jerks in the forum, reminding them to play nice, if there’s an official stance to point people to, it’s a whole lot better.

#2 – this is directly related to #1. It’s not like there aren’t women out there programming in php, because they are. It’s just they aren’t contributing back to the core of WP. That was Jane’s point. Let’s make it easier for everyone to feel welcome, how about that?

As to the money part, few people realize how making a name for yourself in the community can lead you to an income. no, it’s not direct. But the benefits are there.

@Donnacha – LOL, nice catch. :D
(actually, the drop probably corresponds to those women dropping out to have children.)


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