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Steve Wharton

Bowe, I agree with you. You ARE on the mark–with the tone and content of Bob’s raw opinion–which outright slams a lot of hard-working folks’ efforts and support of BP. In the spirit of that old saw, “if you don’t have anything nice to say, don’t say anything at all,” Bob could have more positively voiced his criticism, and the post could have been written more constructively while voicing his concerns about the numbers. I can relate to Bob’s post though, as I tend to write raw and off-the-cuff. My own first-draft responses tend to be way more negative than I would like or intend. But, thanks for taking time to post your rebuke as it were, Bowe. It’s a great reminder to try to employ a more kinder tone and to exercise restraint. These are things I can very much improve upon myself. Cheers


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