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What I never see every time another series of brute force attacks triggers another article like this is acknowledgment of what Hosting Companies are doing to protect users.

NONE of these plugins work to protect you when a company like or ROUTINELY DISABLE WP LOGINS.

More companies are doing this. They detect a brute force attack and shut down the administrative access of all client sites using WordPress for days sometimes. and do not notify their customers. Not a single peep.

You can’t find information in the or Client logins; you check out the Facebook pages and no specific mention. Only in the Forums when some users begin to report that they have lost Administrative logins to ALL Wordpress sites do you get confirmation about your own problems with Wordpress Admin logins.

I post a series of responses asking if another brute force attack is hitting their Wordpress customer websites and nothing.

I write Customer inquiries and nothing for several days. Finally, once the Admin logins are accessible again, someone will admit that it was another brute force attack on WordPress, particularly the wp-login.php file.

But these plugins do no good when it is your Hosting Servers that are globally disabling your Admin logins for Wordpress.

I wish someone would force these Hosting Companies to have a transparent and consistent process for handling their client accounts.


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