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Andrew Nacin

@mike finley – Correct, it’s all minor releases. In practice, minor releases are rare. The .1 release will always be needed to fix some bugs. Pretty much all others are security releases. Sometimes, the .1 also contains security fixes. A .2+ release is only going to happen for security reasons if there is a serious regression that somehow wasn’t discovered before the .1 release (which implies it probably wasn’t that serious).

Generally, then: .1 is a minor release with serious bug fixes. .2 is a security release and/or a critical regression fix. If you’re on 3.7, you’re going to want a regression from 3.6 fixed on your site. There’s really no reason to decline either of those releases. No, there is no differentiating in terms of how we version them, and we don’t plan to do so.

Finally: We have the ability to push out a minor release without having it auto-updated. We also have the ability to slowly roll out auto-update instructions. Essentially: We have a lot of tools at our disposal to ensure your site is getting exactly the fixes it needs. For more on this, read the definitive guide I wrote. I also talk about how this might mean more frequent minor releases, but that might just mean that .1 might be less of an omnibus release four to six weeks later, and is instead only a week or two later with a few important bug fixes.


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