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Ok, I was all for the automattic core upgrades after finding out it would not be major WordPress releases since people say that minor releases don’t break anything. Yesterday I upgraded a site to 3.6.1 from 3.6 and the site broke. (i had a backup so no big deal) but if this would have been an automattic update on a production environment the client would of been real mad. (this guy is not a happy camper) The site broke due to a plugin that worked fine on 3.6 but not on 3.6.1. It’s a woocommerce gravity forms product addon extension and here is the change log.

“2013.09.12 – version 2.4.6
* Fix: Remove wp_get_referer() in constructor for compatibility with WordPress 3.6.1 load order. “

This proves that anyone saying that a minor release cant break a website is dead wrong. Don’t get me wrong. I would love automattic upgrades but it’s not ready for mainstream yet. At least not that I can see.



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