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Scenario #1 – Webmaster goes on vacation. WordPress updates itself in his absence trashing the site in the process due to plugin conflict or some other reason. He has a lot of work to do upon his return.

Scenario #2 – Webmaster goes on vacation. WordPress pushes out a patch to fix a security vulnerability in his absence. Site becomes compromised before he returns. Not only does he have a lot of work to do upon his return there is a strong possibility visitors to his site could have had their systems infected if the site is now hosting malware.

I can certainly see both sides of the coin here. Strong arguments can be made for both positions. Having said that, I would only support auto-update if it was an opt-in option for existing sites as others have already stated. If not, it will be the first thing I rip out on my sites.

None of the software I use auto-updates – I’ve disabled that feature in everything I use, including Chrome. (although I rarely use Chrome) I prefer to be in control. I prefer to manually check for updates and install them when they are found. (which I do on a regular basis)


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