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Alex de Borba

I applied to WP Tavern with the hope that it could transition towards a more dedicated approach in covering block themes and plugins, while also actively promoting the adoption of the Full Site Editing (FSE) approach. In my view, the resistance to embracing block themes is primarily attributed to the limited availability of comprehensive information about them. Many blogs continue to promote classic themes primarily due to affiliate commissions. I believe WP Tavern has the potential to serve as a beacon of change in this regard, akin to Justin Tadlock’s prior contributions.

In my perspective, WP Tavern should consider redefining its focus by reducing the promotion of commercial plugins and themes. Instead, it should pivot towards championing what is new, innovative, and unbiased within the WordPress community. This shift could breathe fresh air into WP Tavern’s mission and align it more closely with the evolving needs and trends in the WordPress ecosystem.


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