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Mike Schinkel


You are a generational talent. I have always been amazed at the level of quality you have produced on a continuous basis, and have an intense amount of respect for you.

I also always thought — though I know the WordPress community appreciates your 10 years — that you were destined for so much greater things than a niche tech publication with a small reader base relative-speaking, and that much larger audiences should be benefiting from your skills and talent.

The person you have most reminded me us I have watched your tenure at WPTavern has been Kara Swisher.

Most don’t know this about Kara Swisher but in the early 90’s she covered Internet development and that included lots of articles about Microsoft technology stack, and at the time I was both a reader of hers and a fan. So reading your coverage of WordPress 2+ decades later has felt like so much deja vu.

Kara has since gone on to become — as Inc Magazine described her two (2) years ago — “the most powerful tech journalist working today”:

I fully expect that in a few more decades you are likely to be in that same position. Best wishes for your journey!


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