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John Stuart

Things are progressing, but WordPress is even further behind the competition than it was since first introducing blocks five years ago. So there is a desperate need for a new business model to push the Gutenberg transition along and beyond classic WP popularity.

A couple of obvious ideas:

WordPress(.com) should be a platform to promote all commercial agency and activity, not just one. Creates confusion for users, and is a conflict of interest in the ongoing development of WordPress. I see regular arguments and tribal divisions brewing, which hurts focus.

WordPress should always remain “free”. But the world’s most profitable corporations also offer their software for free, while promoting open source software. This enables egregious extraction at the greatest scale and scope, while whitewashing the entire process as acceptable. So we have to start thinking beyond the cost of the initial click, or diversifying that initial click cost.. i.e. a $1 fee or levy on each non-core piece of software (plugin, theme) can be used to fund core development.

I’m sure you guys could think of many more ways to accelerate this lagging project without compromising it’s core values, but I don’t think much change is required to flip the table in terms of competition, just greater democracy and economic fairness.


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