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Kindly, when referencing the Themes team please use the team’s correct name.

My opinion of whether the or not the feature should be in a theme or plugin is not an attack on Mike’s person nor in any way a statement that I Ollie is not a great theme. I am excited about the theme and interested in the exploration.
But I can not ignore the potential effects on the review system, the cost to both the review time, and frankly the mental health of the reviewers.

This article brings up one conflict. But what I don’t think that people understand -even after what happened to members of the plugin team – is that reviewers are trying to minimize and handle these type of conflicts all the time, and it is incredibly draining and leads to burn out.
Theme reviewers are offered no conflict management training from WordPress. They are constantly facing situations where the have to weigh the interest of the individual theme developers against other interests and sometimes it isn’t going to be in the developer’s favor.

This is what I can not ignore. I don’t want the reviewers to work in an environment where these conflicts happen as often as they do, and as often as they will do if only one theme author is granted exceptions from the requirement. It will escalate, as we have seen in the past (even as documented here on the Tavern).

This article has left out several relevant parts of the discussion:
– A proposal for a community driven, official feature plugin to solve the onboarding issues.
– The difficulties for reviewers who do not (yet) know React, who are not familiar with the WordPress JavaScript packages and components, to help ensure that the code for the onboarding feature is secure, free from errors, and follows the requirements.

It is not the responsibility of a single theme -or plugin -developer to solve the WordPress onboarding issue.

It is not the right solution to allow an exception for one theme developer.

And if the themes team instead wants to change the requirements so that all theme authors can create settings pages again, theres has to be a proper plan that is well thought through so that all the pitfalls and potential risks can be avoided. And that is not a discussion that should take place in an individual theme trac ticket but on the Make blog so that everyone can participate.

The article


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