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Miroslav Glavić

Aren’t WordCamps supposed to be $20 per day?

Anyways, I do like the whole no swag, social dinner or after party.

Traditionally in three day events, not just for WordCamps….the friday night is the speakers dinner get together thing, then on Saturday the party for everyone. Obviously that is done instead of after Sunday talks because many people have to go to work on the Monday morning.

There should be an option, just like when you go fly. Let’s say the basic price is $20 USD…If you want a t-shirt then +$15, If you want dinner or lunch………

To tell you the truth most times I go to Tim Hortons or a local restaurant. I can’t remember the time but there was one WCTO done in Liberty Village. Lunch cost me $55 CAD. Current exchange rate: $42 USD. Hamburger, fries and a can of coke. Some fancy crap, there was nothing else outside the event’s building catering. Another year there was some rice brick with tofu and seaweed.

Print a list of every restaurant, including fast food. Let the people decide on what they want to eat.
This would help to people with dietary or religious restrictions if they can’t eat any of the limited choices when WCs have lunch/dinner.

I attended many WCTOs, how many more t-shirts can I get? Same for other WCs.
My basement is full of boxes full of t-shirts I will never really use. I guess I could send them to what’s her name, she will quilt it/blanket it the t-shirts.

Yes I know it is easier to do one size fits all but we should actually move to the options. Do you want a Big Mac (WC ticket)? What about extras like the fries and drinks? (t-shirt, meals?) +$15.

Just like a Big Mac vs Big Mac Combo. McDonalds has got it right. Why can’t WC organizers?

I really don’t care about fidget spinners, stickers, pens, and those usb to electrical outlet cubes.


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