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To quote ” …already a plugin that provides what you’re looking for,” Kaye said. “It’s called Classic Editor.”

The issue is that it’s inevitable that the Classic Editor, including other plugins that disable Gutenberg elements, will come to an end as WP progresses.

I’m still watching to see where CP goes; I’m working on releasing at least 1 CP-dedicated theme. But, for the most part, my themes at Rough Pixels still work (or at least from my testing) on CP.

As I mentioned, we are nearing the point where WordPress will no longer work for pre-WP 5.0 users as it relates to themes and plugins. Soon, the customizer won’t even exist.

I’ve written a few articles on my blog at RP about ClassicPress, but this latest post “ClassicPress at a Crossroads…” does raise an eyebrow.

The team really needs to have a “clear” mission; as some have said, not having Gutenberg in it is not enough.


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