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Seed: People are arguing, will GPT3 bring more gain or pain for wordpress community? Who will get more developers or publishers? Who can lose some?

GPT3: It’s difficult to say for certain how the release of GPT-3 will impact the WordPress community as a whole. GPT-3 is a powerful language processing A.I. model that has the potential to assist developers in creating code and other text-based content. This could potentially benefit both developers and publishers by making it easier to create high-quality content and code for WordPress websites. However, the use of A.I. in code development may also raise ethical concerns and it’s important for the WordPress community to consider these issues carefully. Additionally, the use of A.I. in content creation may result in the displacement of some human workers, which could potentially be a source of pain for some members of the community. Ultimately, the impact of GPT-3 on the WordPress community will depend on how it is used and the decisions made by individual members of the community.


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