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Devin Walker

Hey, thanks for the write up Justin! You hit the nail on the head as to why we built this block. I also enjoyed reading your suggestions. Using inner blocks to edit the content right in the block sounds obvious now that you said it. I’m going to experiment with that and also adding more rich text editing features.

We do plan on adding a lot more flexibility in the near future. As you mentioned, this is only version 1.0.x and we haven’t perfected anything yet.

The VERY opinionated styles is my doing and was done on purpose. One thing I’ve learned from GiveWP is that themes can wreak havoc on various elements, especially forms, headings, and spacings. When I see this happen in the wild, it pains me to see it. Most users are helpless to fix it also, unless they have some CSS skills.

That’s why this go-around I decided to experiment with CSS in JS using Aphrodite. This achieved the super consistent look across the dozens of themes I tested with. However, I understood going into it that some developers may not be too happy to see that. Let’s be honest, I also cringe when I see ! important used in CSS.

There’s likely a nice middle ground wherein the style specificity can be modified per block so that the theme has more control. I’m going to think about this more and see what I can come up with.

We’re excited for this block and have a nice roadmap of features to work on. Some of those features thanks to you and this post. Cheers!


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