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Polly Ont

I agree with Harry that the context for the quote should be immediate. I don’t know anything about Justin’s temperament but I was thinking “Wow, the Members plugin is so rad, it sounds like he’s struggling and that’s surprising.”

Gutenberg has evolved to be so much better over time but the notion of “some things for some people” isn’t just apt and accurate but one of the strengths of WP.

When I say WP, I mean the core management of content. How it stores things, how it operates with no other tools in it, the crazy robustness of how many functions it has to go and grab just about anything.

That it can accommodate two wholly different worlds at the same time is amazing, and nobody has to cut in on anyone else.

Elementor, gosh bless it, is so buggy so often — I don’t begrudge them that because they have a gajillion use cases and are always on the move. If each new week there’s a new or swapped out issue, it’s understandable. Still sucks that that’s a standard. Believe it or not though, it’s so stupidly flexible and so quick to build out things in a way that I personally find intuitive that I will continue to use it in spite of itself.

I never want the instruments I am using to be the bottleneck, and while sometimes the troubleshooting becomes one, it’d be hard for me to go back before I got comfortable and dialed in because every moment not troubleshooting is so straightforward — I imagine a thing and in a couple clicks it’s set up.

Oxygen hasn’t updated its pitch in actual years, which spooks me a bit. The comparisons it makes to other tools aren’t even accurate. And one of their saving grace comparisons to other tools is going to be iterated away as others catch up. But it takes nothing away from it to point out that everyone not using it can be happy as clams by not using it just as its devotees wouldn’t touch anything else.

I’d love to see the core and Gutenberg continue to evolve and it sounds like it’s in a really nice position and will be in a nicer one soon. Because there’s are millions of sites I think there will be a stronger choice for each site and never a one size fits all.

Most sites could be built by any of these and it’s just a speed + developer experience + client/regular person happiness metric that is the difference. Never ever ever a one size fits all situation.

Just the way we like it!


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