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I feel way better about Gutenberg than I used to, but I also avoid it when I can because I’m used to the other way and much more familiar and therefore efficient at it.

Gutenberg is really dialed into a particular style/learning method/way of thinking and that’s valid, it just can’t be all things for all people and isn’t for me.

But, one of the things that’s cool about WordPress is that it’s so accommodating. It’d be nice if they could carry on doing double duty forever. Like Gutenberg is something it defaults to still for their reasons, but “WordPress” could also mean all their shared resources except that one presentation method (I know that’s oversimplifying).

Like right now it has a dual identity and everyone’s pretty happy in the camp that lets them remain productive and still keeps the benefits of the software as a whole.

Developers could also offer one, the other, or both in terms of accommodating so there’s more work and opportunity there depending on which markets are important to you.

ACF has as much reason as anyone to embrace metaboxes, for example, but rather than work “for free” by adding new stuff for Gutenberg sites for the same price and treating it as an evolution, you could have either Gutenberg accommodation or Classic accommodation as a separate product, or an add-on.

I just don’t see why it has to be mutually exclusive if the only obstacle is the amount of work. The flexibility is part of the glory and the staying power.

Every week I see someone on here saying Elementor is great even while there’s a baked-in solution for crafting layouts, for example, and they’re not out to kill each other, they’re co-existing. Even while both sides have valid reasons why they dislike the other experience. It’s choices, freedoms. That’s a good thing.


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