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Daniele Mte90 Scasciafratte

I agree with various people here.
Looking on my 90% customers as we agency they don’t need blocks, they just write articles or have product with a description. The layout is built as they wanted by the theme we did without any block.
This user case is not handheld now by wordpress without the classic editor that will stop support the next year.

Looking as plugin developer with thousands users in free/premium that do also support, the situation is highly similar. Sometimes they create ACF fields to achieve the same things and without the burnout to check that the website is not broken with an update.

In all of this we are forgetting that the majority of WP websites are small websites that don’t need this stuff and everyone it is doing in a different way that is replicating the fragmentation of visual composer/page builder just without blocks.

At the same time gutenberg is not optimized with google pagespeed/lighthouse and coreweb vitals because the css/js are injected in all the pages also if the blocks are not used at all or if it is used just one.

So we need to think that there are casual users where gutenberg is useful but the people that work, like many people in the comments, as dev or support all of this is a trouble.
Honestly I don’t think that is a matter of dev age or tech debt, is that we are changing how wordpress works but is not complete with various issues.
Something that forcing gutenberg created when it wasn’t ready and is not still ready.


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