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Steve Grant

Two points

Firstly on the focus on the Wix/ Squarespace market.
I can see the excitement for small one-person businesses to be able to edit their templates in a GUI. That’s probably exciting for a one-person business and for that Wix market I see the point.

I’m doubtful that companies with 40+ employees who have a bespoke solution with signed off layouts will want their junior staff to get creative with templates.

So my question is : what focus will the WP core team have on supporting the corporate website market?
I develop sites for mid sized companies, where the editor is simply a junior team member tasked with pasting a word doc into an approved design (and choosing one of 3 layouts). This is quite a large market, and I wonder if the WP core team think about that market at all? Nothing in FSE adds value for that market.
Most of what I see for corporate sites is in de-activation hooks! That’s not too thrilling.

Please imagine what a time-pressed office junior needs in the way of layout selection and imagine their slender knowledge and interest in design terminology and brand consistency, we need tools for those people!

I’ve explored what’s coming. I’ve built a test FSE Theme to see if it adds value, and there was nothing there. None of my client editors are going to edit the header, or footer, or page templates … ever!

Secondly about the pattern library.
I’ve said previously on here that corporate site editors (often interns) get supplied with a few official layouts to select from, and now they will also get “patterns” from me. Two issues here: lay people don’t understand the term “patterns” as ” a chunk of layout” they think of that as “layout” or perhaps if they are a bit technical and paid attention they call it a “template”. So the pattern section is confusing to them. They imagine it to be full of cross-hatching grids, and tessellating backgrounds. “Design patterns” means something else to a junior staff member who has been suddenly given a job as a content editor (armed with a “How to edit the corporate site” PDF and 5 minute intro video).

The focus on letting users create their own templates in a GUI and learn what a “pattern” means is of course fun for small businesses of 1 or 2 people – but in larger corporations the idea that the unskilled Editors might have control of this on a corporate site with signed-off branding & designs is in nobodies interest.

I can’t find much official guidance about supporting that scale of site in all talk of FSE. Everyone is so excited about fighting in the Wix space.

Is there to be any focus on solutions for the corporate web space?


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