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Mary from London

“Disable XML-RPC-API” plugin, developed by.. (well, I don’t know anymore) Neatmarketing, is another plugin which became something else on the last week.

Until then, it was a simple XML-RPC deactivator. No settings page. Nothing else. It just worked. How I love a lightweight plugin.
Now we have a menu icon which redirects the user to a settings page with many tabs. If only the tabs followed the wordpress design, but no. There is advertisement about a PRO version on every login, and the so called free version in which we are now is considerably bigger than before.
Now we have some options to speed-up our wordpress websites. We can disable JSON REST API. We can disable wlw manifest, among other things.

I would enjoy that proposal, because at the moment I need 3 or 4 plugins to adjust these basic things. But are the developers willing to release their plugins as separate ones, as in fact they are? Of course not. Money is the language they choose…


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