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Knut Sparhell

It’s not page builders vs Gutenberg. Page builders are plugins, some replacing the editor with their completely own interface, some are based on on the block editor.

“Gutenberg” is not only the core blocks, an interface and API for content creation, including page builders that provide blocks and block manipulation.

Tools for content creation should not slow down the front, or else, they are bad.

A very important goal when starting with the block editor, and finding the best suited page builder tool for it, is the removal of the hated shortcodes, for UI and performance.

The problem with Divi, Elementor and friends is that the interface are proprietary, not standardized, and – seems to me – lock you in much harder than a block based page builder.

I see both Divi and Elementor are introducing blocks and stuff to be compatible with the WP block editor framework (aka Gutenberg). This is probably the way things are going, more integrated and compatible – even with each other.

As, when WP is finally getting multilingual support – also part of Gutenberg project, the multilingual plugins will have to adapt, and the result is they will be more compatible with each other.


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