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Tobias Zimpel

There would be nothing “unconscionable” with running meetups, wordcamps etc as long as the organisers disclosed the risk to participants.

The problem is here that the participants do not only take the risk for themselves, but also put their surroundings and their community at risk.

And the situation is even worse because people who are willing to participate a large event in the midst of a global pandemic are (at least in my experience) the ones that are in general more open to not following the rules set in place to protect other people – and especially those with a greater risk of severe infections.

If I were in the community team, I would absolutely not support an in-person event under these circumstances, knowing that the people who participate are largely those who give a damn about protecting others.

Sorry for my harsh opinion, but I’m absolutely fed up with people believing they would put no one but themselves at risk by giving a fuck about the rules set in place, and the recommendations given by international non-profit organizations.

I’ve seen people die because people in their families gave a shit about these rules and did not tell their loved ones they participated a large event or meet with everyone without protection, so they could make an informed choice of at least not meeting these people.

I know a case of 3(!) a..holes having participated a (legal where I live, at least in the summer when it took place) wedding with 50 participants knowing they were tested positive (which in turn is clearly illegal where I live) without any protection and without telling anyone, while the rules clearly say you need to stay at home and not have contact with anybody if you were tested positively. And even if you were tested and still waiting for your results. On that wedding, 48 of the 50participants got infected, and 3 of them died, including the bride.

So stay! at! home! – if not to protect yourself, then to protect the people you love and the people in your community and maybe work environment who are impacted by your choices.


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