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Regarding Gutenberg

The bad implementation of the otherwise good idea like Gutenberg is the main cause. Gutenberg has so much issues that my clients are not threatening to change companies if we don’t install the Classic Editor instead of the block editor. We maintain one mid sized European news website CMS and it has many customizations on top of WP, but it looks like the editors were extremely unhappy with Gutenberg. Performance was one of the reasons. Something bugs when you have multiple media files on the page and/or when you work with combination with custom plugins.

I think it’s time for Gutenberg team to have some changes in the way they pursue this editor and in fact to involve more professionals and prosumers, not just devs and the everyday life of how the CMS is used in order for them to have a more objective picture.

It’s one thing to build a page builder for devs, it’s something completely different to build the page builder to work for professional journalists and creators, which are not coders or devs.

To me Gutenberg is bad because it lacks the appropriate survey data from real world usage. Just because something looks installed, does’t mean people are happy with it.

Gutenberg opens a huge marketing hole for someone to take in.


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