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William Patton

When you work in an office you dream of how nice it would be to work from home. When you are forced to work from home some people dream of how nice it would be to work in an office.

I have worked from home for a decade and I love it. Firends used to assume I could do whatever I wanted all day. I don’t need to tell you all at this point that is not how it works.

Working form home has different struggles. Those struggles are something I forgot about but they are very real and I have got to witness other people fall into the work-from-home lifestyle and it is not easy to adapt to it at short notice.

There was no time for them to learn how to shut out the distractions of home life during worktime. No way for their family members to know the bounderies needed. Ain’t no way your teaching a young kid to stay out during calls if they have never seen you do calls at home often.

The work/life balance is hard to get right when all of your work and all of your live happens inside your home. Both sides encroach on each other in ways that are hard to explain.

Sometimes working from home is working all of the time. Sometimes working from home is doing only household chores all of the time. How do you fit both into the one space?

How do you get everything you need to done? This has been the most common question I have got in the past months.

The truth is there is no hard and fast answer to it. You do what works. What works for me might not work for you and what works for you might not work for your neighbour.

I love working from home but It is not without it’s share of challenges. I had plenty of time to adapt over the years. The people that have been forced to adjust without any lead-in time have got it rough though.


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