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Chris Reed

The white equals good, and black equals bad stuff sounds racist. I assume the light and dark stereotype comes from nighttime being scary and daytime being not scary.

I think it is condescending to assume that POC can’t handle the word master especially when the context has nothing to do with slavery. This whole thing started as Microsoft marketing to take advantage of the moment. Which is it’s own kind of disgusting.

Wanting to change master, whitelist, and blacklist is the racist side of the argument. It is a condescending low effort move that assume white equals good. It has no positive impact on those communities. It will make a bunch of mostly white people feel good about helping those POC who can’t stand up to a branch name on their own.

If you really want to help. Start by asking POC what would help. If you are too scared for that you can donate to BLM, food access, scholarship programs, or whatever.

I expect that those who want to make changes like this are not actually willing to sacrifice anything they care about. Sorry if I am wrong here, and you already participate in those communities.


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