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Philip Ingram

So ironic. A consent API coming from core who doesn’t care about consent when it comes to forcing new features that considerably change core without a site owners consent such as auto-updating core (opted in by default since 3.7), the recent large image dimension restriction (opted in by default since 5.3), and forcing of the new editor to be full screen (opted in by default since 5.4) as if these were in high demand by people other than core contributors who…let’s be honest here, mostly wanted accolades to place under their names for notoriety.

All of these should be feature plugins or opt-in only features, not forced by default requiring one to opt-out after the fact. Do you know how many pro photoblogger websites I had to patch to allow hi-res images, not cool!

Yeah, “consent”, but only when it’s on OUR terms. Now this will likely be enveloped into core as well, most likely… without anyone’s consent.

It’s like we forgot the core concepts behind how open source works. When I share something with someone and give it to them 100% to do with as they please, I am sure they will appreciate I do it without keeping one-hand on it and forcing my future desires on them even if I believe it’s what’s best for them.


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