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Tim Toomey

I actually disagree in that I think Gutenberg can, and is a page builder replacement.

Creating layouts, columns, multiple rows of grid-based content, and full width video + imagery is one of the things that I still feel is essential in order to develop dynamic landing pages that look great on both mobile and desktop screens so all web content isn’t so homogenized and centered in a single column.

Our blocks plugin already does the above and more, and we’ve been using it on our client sites for three months now, and couldn’t be happier with it. The most important thing is, our CLIENTS are much happier with Gutenberg because of how easy it is to use.

Why poo poo gutenberg as a non-page builder when clearly the capabilities for complex layouts are there in the core API? (focal point selectors, full width cover image blocks, etc.)

I can’t wait for full-site editing capabilities with Gutenberg. I’d almost rather build out my footers and headers with blocks instead of widgets and hard-coded navigation elements like we do now.


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