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Louis Reingold

Thank you for eloquently stating what I have felt for years.

I spend half the year in Truckee. It’s 3 hours from San Francisco and it gets a bunch of rich Bay Area tourists so you’d think the internet would be fast.

Nope. Slower than molasses.

Using a 100kb slider library when Unslider at 5kb would have sufficed hurts me up there. A lot.

The problem isn’t helped by performance testing tools like GTMetrix that are on extremely fast connections. 1Mb loads on those tools in about the same amount of time 1kb would. The DNS lookup takes longer than the data transfer when your connection is that fast.

This misleads people into thinking bloated web pages aren’t a big deal. But they are.

For many of us, in the real world, internet speed is the main bottleneck.

I made various videos promoting Oxygen’s performance and mocking other builders that output hundreds of kilobytes of bloat. The typical response from the other side (if they’d even respond) was that I was exaggerating the issue, playing it up for marketing purposes, and that internet connections are so fast now that no one notices.

A blank page created with Divi now loads approximately 1Mb of scripts and styles.

I hope that Gutenberg does not go the same way. A default WP install now loads Gutenberg’s default styles on all pages of the site, even if Gutenberg was not used to write the post.


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