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Stefan Ionesco

Hey Jeffro!

I’ve been following this blog lately and I am happy that you have published this post about this marketplace. I have just got a standard club access.

First impression, I like the fact that there was no first time fee. I have had an experience with WPZOOM and Themefuse that required an initial fee of around 200$. Teslathemes has no hidden fees, just those 35$ per year and all. I was really impressed by this low fee. I must admit that initially I thought this is a scam because other marketplaces have much higher fees.

Second thing, after payment all was downloadable from the member panel. One thing though, I have tried Revoke theme and I can’t seem to make it look like in the demos. I contacted their support, will see how it goes.

Overall, I am pleased with it. Not much to lose in the end :D


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