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Juanma Aranda

The decision to publish version 5.0 of WordPress on April 6 does not surprise me at all. The whole Gutenberg project has been disrespectful and irresponsible with the WordPress Community that has shouted by all means that it did not agree with the integration of Gutenberg in the core instead of doing it as a plugin.

However, Matt did not care at all because, as I have always said, my opinion is that the goal of everything is to seek the benefit of Automattic (,

The dates foreseen by him have not been respected and the hurry and speed of launching his project are more than evident.

He will take advantage of the WordCamp US to “sell” his idea of ​​Gutenberg as something new and revolutionary and will try to convince us that it is a great advance.

It is possible that this man has thought that he will go to an Apple Keynote instead of the WordCamp US and that is why he wants to force the launch of WordPress 5.0 for December 6th.

And the worst of all is that this will be only the beginning. Seeing that a large part of the community has resigned itself to accept their decisions instead of opposing them and that it has been able to pass over all of them, other decisions of changes in WordPress that will already be planned will surely come soon.


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