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Daniel James

Once again, a super important decision has been made behind closed doors without input from the public. Whilst that does give ‘us’ roughly three years to transition from TinyMCE to Gutenberg I don’t like the fact no one was considered.

This circles back to the issue around the merge proposal that never happened. I totally get it. At this point any call for opinions on Gutenberg will probably be met with plenty of criticism but let’s be realistic here; Gutenberg project management has been awful.

I’ve said before via Twitter, I like Gutenberg as a thing. But with all it’s history and being merged in WordPress like it is being it’s destroying what once was an open and collaborative project effort. It’d be great if we didn’t get robot business speak answers from the likes of Matt and Gary trying to do damage control but I fear at this point it’s all we’re ever going to get.

Just to make myself abundantly clear, if this was managed better, I’d be team Gute all the way but it’s not happened that way and we’re left with this mess of a project rollout. At this point I’ve lost all trust in the WordPress project and Automattic. Business and money has been at the forefront the whole time, not FOSS.


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