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Weston Ruter

WordPress had a rocky beginning with its official AMP plugin, which was originally developed by Automattic, one of the earliest publishing partners on the project. The first versions of the plugin were not easy to use, especially for heavily customized installations. It required site owners to invest considerable effort into optimizing AMP pages and fine tuning them for their needs. AMP for WordPress went without updates for 10 months in 2017, was fraught with errors, and incompatible with many other plugins.

To be honest, this isn’t really fair. The first versions of the plugin were targeted for developers on VIP, so it made sense that it required development effort to customize. Also, the initial versions of the plugin were all marked clearly as 0.2, 0.3, and so on, not claiming a 1.0 level of completeness. The AMP plugin was developed very early in the history of AMP, so it had to be limited because AMP was also limited. The fact that AMP has been available in WordPress for so long via this plugin is a testament to Automattic’s efforts. Now as the plugin approaches 1.0, it is very much building on the foundation laid by Automattic, so I want to make sure credit is given where it is due.


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