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Tim Kaye


I’m saying these things because I’ve thought about these things

Then you haven’t thought hard enough, because you don’t realize the implications of Gutenberg’s approach.

The flow is important because I want certain paragraphs tied together in one chunk/block. That means that, if I later want to move one paragraph, the other paragraphs in the same block are automatically moved together with it.

Try that in Gutenberg. It’s an epic fail. I have to move each paragraph individually because it’s its own block. (And, to compound matters, the toolbar then superimposes itself over the top while I’m trying to do this.) The only workaround is, at the time of originally writing that block, I have to consciously decide not to use paragraphs!

No professional writing software forces me to make such choices. I can just write. But those involved with Gutenberg think they know better.

So, yes, my use of the word “hubris” was entirely appropriate.


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