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Pippin Williamson

Hey Jesse,

I understand you don’t like me. That’s okay, my goal isn’t to try and please everyone, but I do try my best to make my customers happy.

One of the positive side effects of the announcement we made was more than $80,000 worth of renewal fees being wiped out for our customers as a result of the reduced prices. Perhaps $80,000 doesn’t matter to your customers, but it sure does mine and I think it’s worth broadcasting when that happens. I know that Jeff feels the same way and is why he wrote about such “insignificant” news.

I’m sorry to hear that our use of salts has caused problems for some of your customers. That was an unintended side effect of a choice we made years ago that we’ve been dealing with since. We will be moving away from using the WP salts for download links.

By the way, you can reach me directly anytime. My email is Seriously, if your customers are having problems caused by EDD, I do care and am more than happy to help resolve them.


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