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Right T. Privacy

“Good luck enforcing that.”

^ Yep.

Protecting privacy is a good idea but in practicality GDPR enforcement will be limited almost entirely to companies with a physical presence inside the EU. The EU simply does not have authority in non-EU countries. And no, as much as some people glow over the idea, the US government is not going to force European law on its citizens. Foreigners have no representation or vote on the matter, do they?

Compliance outside of the EU will only be accomplished by fear-mongering (which clearly is working very well so far) and indirectly by major corporations requiring something resembling GDPR-compliance from users of their services (Google Analytics, AdSense, etc.?).

Remember how [extremely not] well VAT MOSS went outside of the EU? There was the same demand for compliance and the same fear tactics. But virtually nobody outside of the EU cares anymore. GDPR is more noble, but the legal mechanics are not any stronger. Nice intentions though. It probably will clean things up a bit, but it will be far from universal outside of the EU, because it is EU law and that is all.


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