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mark k.

This kind of thin is totally stupid. It is the sites owner site, and I am not going to go on a crusade just because some guy (however smart he might be) want to feel important by telling the world what to do.

Right now we support 5.3, and it will have very little difference to us if we force users to go 7.X. From our POV there is no ROI for us in such a move. We did force users into 5.3 long time ago, but the advantage of namespaces for sharing code between few projects was obvious and we decided to say “#$%^ the luddites”, but even going all the way to 7.2 there is just not enough difference for us from a software development POV to care to handle the support calls.

Site owners usually have good reasons not to upgrade….. it costs real money to test the site again, and just calling “shiny shiny” is not a good reason for them to do anything if their site performs exactly as they want. I have a friend who uses windows XP and is very happy. Who is that Ian to decide for him that he should use windows 10?

(us === if anyone just has to know)


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