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David Anderson

The most important thing in what Matt says seems to me to be the part which is taken as requiring no explanation. The reason why Gutenburg is a top priority, he explains, is to help WP keep increasing market share. What’s not explained – it appears because it’s obvious, at least to Matt, that it doesn’t need explaining – is why WP’s top priority is to keep increasing market share, at the expense of other possibilities for development priority.

I mean, obviously everybody wants their software to be used. Software with no users will ultimately be abandoned and never improved. But for an open source project with 25%+ market share, is it obvious that increasing this figure is the #1 priority?

As opposed to, for example, improving the technical quality of the internals, fixing long-standing bugs or significant design mistakes (probably all of us who spend time in Trac are aware of lots of these which are a blight on our ability to do more coding and less providing support and working around them), performance issues (about which you could say much the same) and security concerns (e.g. having updates supplied from being signed and verified, which I understand the core team see as low priority), for example?

So, for example – what market share does WP have to reach, before it becomes a priority for the time to be invested to bring WP up to the standards that other open source PHP products, with less market share, are meeting? Clearly, the answer is “not now”; that being so… when?

It may well be that the argument has been made and I missed it. I’m not saying that there is no argument. I am saying I’d be interested in seeing that discussion take place, unless I did indeed already miss it.


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