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mark k.

Make wordpress as dumb as possible? no client with any aspiration of monetary success will just leave the theme as it is without hiring some developer to enhance it. The assumption that wordpress users are idiots that can not contact the theme support to ask for instructions, or that themes are so awful they have no documentation is just a snobbish attitude.

WordPress is probably almost never used as a content creation tool. Content is created in an off line way in a word document and is just being copied to the editor. Add to that content created via xml-rpc and OMG an automatically generated content. How does gutenberg answers those use cases? no one have an idea so far.

Page builders like gutenberg might be nice for “designing” a page or two, but seriously, people do not use wordpress to create a 5 page site, there are better tools for that.

Last but not least is that at the current state gutenberg is so bloated the UI is unusable. With gutenberg we have “options not decision” :( seriously, all the widgets as blocks? who ever asked to have a widget in his content?


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