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David Skarjune

As the Gutenberg contributors shared that they have only just begun to look into the meta box issue, it’s now clear why there is no roadmap [emphasis added] for how the project will handle “legacy” PHP meta boxes.

The mention of “roadmap” got me looking for a roadmap and wondering is that actual or only visionary? I’ve gone over the Editor Technical Overview that charters the project, but I haven’t seen a big picture roadmap on longterm WordPress integration of Gutenberg, which would help mitigate these discussions. Please advise, anyone.

Searching through Slack and, I quickly landed on the official WordPress Roadmap, which opens with “features primarily driven by ideas voted on by our users” followed by Dev cycle information. I surfed to the top Editing Ideas, which are primarily about an improved Visual Editor with suggestions and comments going various directions.

I had given up testing Gutenberg, as I couldn’t relate it to an Author Experience framework that guides my perspective for digital content workflows. Seeing the overall debate emerge, I realized it wasn’t merely my own confusion.

So, THANKS for the roadmap mention, as I’m inspired to go back through those Ideas that generate use cases as a framework for testing Gutenberg.


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