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Concerning WordPress Weekly, I’m on the fence with what I want to do. I definitely want to produce more audio content and take advantage of the built in audio player that will be shipped with WordPress 3.6. I’m not sure if I will continue to do a dedicated hour a Week for the show or use audio as a complementary piece of content to the various articles that are published during the week. Or I’ll be using the audio Post format and if I perform a short audio interview, use that as content instead of lumping everything together for a one hour show.

I know one thing, the show will not be live every week, at least not starting out and I won’t be using Talkshoe as I did for every other episode. As I’ve seen with other shows, I’m looking into doing a Google Hangout but I’m not interested in doing video. So starting out, I’m going to try and do at least one live, Google Hangout show a month to see how it goes and what the turn out is like.

Asides from all of that, I need to purchase better audio equipment as the boom mic setup just isn’t going to cut it. Also, I need the equipment for better sounding Skype interview recordings.

So audio will definitely be a major factor of the site going forward.


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