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Drew Jaynes

Yeah, no.

If anything, core devs (of which I am one) are stuck in a steaming pile of back-compat hell that comes with the ever-present baggage of trying to maintain every supported and not-supported-but-popular use case you can imagine – and some you can’t.

In terms of the business community not feeling like they have a seat at the table, that’s a fixable problem; get involved in the process. And spouting armchair hyperbole from the comments section on the Tavern doesn’t count.

If you want your feedback to be taken seriously, you need to actually be serious about getting involved.

It’s not about being stuck in 2000s-era thinking, it’s about being stuck with 2000s-era decision making. We can only fix it if we’re all willing to check our egos at the door and get to work.


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