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Alex Standiford

I think it’s Gutenberg is poised to become more than a set of writing tools. It’s becoming something that will allow people to update the content on their site in ways that they can’t do now without extra plugins.

Take the popularity of Advanced Custom Fields, for example. I love the plugin and use it on almost every site I build, but I only use it because there isn’t an easy way to add custom metadata fields to WordPress. If Gutenberg can make building things like that easier, than it’s truly something that’s exciting.

Another example that comes to mind are shortcodes. I just finished building a carousel plugin for one of my clients that leans on WP_Query to auto-generate the playlist from categories, etc. A basic example ends up looking like this:

[och_playlist template=”related-videos” categories=”anchoring-a-boat”]

If Gutenberg could make it possible for me to create this as a widget that could be added directly to the content INSTEAD of a hard-to-read shortcode, I’d be all over it. The client would have a much better experience, and their content would be far more readable. Especially if the widget had the capability of auto-generating the result inline so they can preview what it would look like before publishing.


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