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I have to say, I agree with Carl. I do work solely with WordPress (well, not *solely*, but close enough…) and have a couple of plugins under my belt. But I’m also a person whose fingers tend to move faster than her brain. I also consider myself a grammar nazi. So when I post something and I see those mistakes *after the fact*, I tend to beat myself up. But it’s not the end of the world. I’ll fix it (if I’m allowed to edit), but a lot of times I can’t, so I just ::headdesk:: and move on. I know a LOT of professionals who use “WP”, “Word(p)ress”, or “wordpress” when quickly communicating about it – including me. I would say, if you’re a specialist, I wouldn’t want to see “Word(p)ress on your “what we do” page (that, I *would* question your WordPress expertise on), but if you’re on some social media platform or generally writing an email and your fingers move like mine, I wouldn’t convict, sentence, and flip the switch on you in the time it takes me to click a button. It takes a lot more than that to make me write someone off.

Not trying to offend anyone, but there’s definitely more to life than being anal-retentive about a letter. If you do, you’re missing out on a lot of pretty great stuff.


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