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Justin Tadlock

The key reviewers were asked if we could look over the theme and consider it. We said we would. Ulrich and I, maybe some others too, gave a pretty tough list of changes that we said would be necessary. But, we wanted to see how a theme like this might do in the repo.

I’m not exactly happy about some of the limitations, but it doesn’t hurt to try out some new things once in a while. We also know that the theme author is working on some of those things.

One major issue, and it’s not something the TRT has direct control over, is that themes don’t have the benefit of the readme.txt system that plugins have. That’s where I’d want the theme to be able to put a big warning up that it’s experimental and to list all of the limitations.

The TRT has always been open to allowing exceptions if theme authors come and talk to us. Explain the situation. Convince us that you have an idea worth trying. We’ll give you a fair shake.


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