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Steve Wilkinson

Thanks, Angel!

I looked at that one, but it was a while ago, I guess… seems like it’s come a long way. That looks promising.

How has your experience been with the subscribe / email notification / get-back-to-the-comment functionality? (That’s where most of them fall down in my experience.)

I’m torn on the social login stuff, as IMO, it’s phishing-training**, but it’s so the norm now, that I’m fighting a losing battle, I’m afraid. :) (And, Disqus does it too.)

Yes, Livefyre is probably my 2nd favorite to Disqus (as an end user), though it’s not nearly as good as Disqus in UX.

(** What I mean by that, is if you’re already logged into the social media platform, then it just connects (typically). However, if you come to a site that uses social media login, and aren’t logged in, then you have a 3rd party site asking to enter social media login credentials. That’s a bit scary, as most don’t know how to determine legitimacy.)


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