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Wonderful post, Reid.

I couldn’t agree more that when the “exciting” developments in WordPress hit the pavement, the narrative trends to the more (geeky) technical aspects of making it exciting again. How people experience content creation and how they expect to manage it (easily) is secondary to how we’ll build it. When in some cases, it should be the opposite, start with the user and work our way backwards through their desired use case.

The other challenge will be how much of WP can and *should* adopt your new experiences? -When should it be left to 3rd party vendors to develop, like yourself?

Page builders (of all sorts) are how most people want to experience (and will) experience WordPress. The real disruption will start when core rolls out their builder-like solution to the masses. I think we’ll find page builders staking their claim of users, by tailoring their solution as a new “flavor” of WordPress. i.e. Come experience WP the Beaver Builder way, experience it the Divi way, etc.

Fragmentation? Yes. I’ll save my “what is WordPress anyway?” for a beer at our next conference :)

I don’t know about you, but I’m giving up my battle with page builders, creating a new experience for WordPress isn’t something I’m interested in, nor do I have the resources to tackle that head on.

Content blocks for WordPress? That’s where I’m moving Conductor into for the future. Hyper-focused control on the output of the data you have stored in WP, and attempting to make it easy and compatible, with the builders of the world. We’re even on Github now :)


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